Education USSIF

Mastering Financial Markets: Strategies and Insights for Sustainable Investment

Education Overview

US SIF serves the growing need of investment professionals in the United States to gain expertise in the field of sustainable and impact investment. We provide high-quality education, research and thought leadership on sustainable investment to investors, investment advisors, consultants and analysts.

Online and In-Person Courses

We provide courses for professional and individual investors.

Introductory Course for Individual Investors

This free online course is designed for individual investors who want to learn the basics of sustainable investing.

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Fundamentals of Sustainable Investing

This course is a resource for investment advisors, financial planners and other financial professionals who want to learn how to incorporate sustainable investment into portfolios and client conversations.

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Chartered SRI Counselor (CSRIC®)

In partnership with the College for Financial Planning® - a Kaplan Company - US SIF offers the only professional services designation for sustainable investing in the United States, the Chartered SRI CounselorSM (CSRIC®).

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Moving Forward With Sustainable Investing: A Roadmap For Asset Owners

This comprehensive guide can help institutional asset owners get started in sustainable investing or enhance their current level of sustainable investing practice.


Moving Forward With Sustainable, Responsible And Impact Investing: A Roadmap For Money Managers

This comprehensive guide is for money managers about how to incorporate sustainable, responsible and impact investing at their firms. The guide provides best practices and practical steps asset managers can take to develop and enhance sustainable investing strategies.

Moving forward with Sustainable, Responsible and Impact Investing

Incorporating Sustainable Investing Into Your Practice: A Roadmap For Financial Advisors

This updated guide for financial advisors explores how to incorporate sustainable investing into their practice. The Financial Advisor Roadmap was prepared with insights from financial advisors and other industry professionals.

Incorporating Sustainable Investing Into Your Practice