Contact Us

1660 L Street NW, Suite 306
Washington, DC 20036
t: +1 (202) 872-5361
f: +1 (202) 775-8686

Email Us

US SIF and the US SIF Foundation are non-profit entities that serve as membership and education networks. We do not manage funds or invest in projects.

Investors and investment opportunities can be found in our 
Financial Services Directory.
Key staff areas of responsibility

Maria Lettini, Chief Executive Officer - Programs, strategic planning, partnerships, executive office

Bryan McGannon, Managing Director - Policy, programs, strategic planning

Rachel Curley - Policy and programs

Yemi Asfaw - Operations

Tracy Press - Events

Michael Young - Online and live courses, education programs, online charts for US SIF member mutual funds and separate account strategies

Membership services
Michael Young, [email protected]

Media contact for reporters
Jody Lowe +1 (414) 376-7663 or

Online and live courses
Michael Young +1 (202) 872-5304, [email protected]