US SIF conducts and sponsors a range of research on issues in sustainable and responsible investment. The following are selected publications currently available for purchase from US SIF. For executive summaries of the below publications or to download other US SIF publications, please visit our
Research and Publications page. Please request other publications and volume orders by emailing info(at)
Definitions for Responsible Investment Approaches (2023) |
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The Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA), CFA Institue and Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) issued a new resource that aims to bring greater understanding and consistency to terminology used in responsible investment, specifically: screening, ESG integration, thematic investing, stewardship and impact investing. Each term has an outlined definition, detailed explanation, a list of definitions that serve as the primary inputs and guidance for using the term in practice. The paper is intended for investors, regulators, policymakers and other market participants. To access a free copy of the report, click here.
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2022 Report on US Sustainable Investing Trends (PDF) |
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The 2022 Trends report provides data on the US asset management firms and institutional asset owners using sustainable investment strategies and examines the environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues they consider in managing their portfolios. It is the only report providing a detailed breakdown of the professional assets under management–across all asset classes–that are engaged in sustainable investing strategies. Note: If you are a US SIF member, please log in to receive this publication for free. Please do not circulate this beyond the staff of your firm/organization. Thank you. If you have trouble getting the report, please contact Sam at [email protected].
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2022 Report on US Sustainable Investing Trends (Hard Copy) |
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The 2022 Trends report provides data on the US asset management firms and institutional asset owners using sustainable investment strategies and examines the environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues they consider in managing their portfolios. It is the only report providing a detailed breakdown of the professional assets under management–across all asset classes–that are engaged in sustainable investing strategies.
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