Event Calendar

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Policy Developments: A Year in Review in Europe and the United States

Date(s): December 4, 2013

Time: 11:00 AM  EST - 12:00 PM  EST

Event Website: http://www.ussif.org

Organization Details

Organization: US SIF and Eurosif
Contact Name: Megan Smith
Contact Email: [email protected]

Join the first ever/inaugural policy webinar jointly hosted by US SIF Foundation and Eurosif (the European Sustainable Investment Forum).  Both US SIF and Eurosif will present policy development and outline their key policy priorities on environmental, social and corporate governance issues.  Learn about developments on sustainability policy issues in both regions of the world and discover areas of shared interest.

Note: This webinar is open to US SIF and Eurosif members only.  Eurosif members may register by selecting the "public registration" option. 

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