
US SIF's Lisa Woll Featured in Book Highlighting Influential Women in Business

New book by BrownFlynn on uplifting women leaders highlights the work of US SIF CEO Lisa Woll.
Washington D.C., February 1, 2017 – When authors Barb Brown and Margie Flynn of US SIF member firm BrownFlynn set out to write a book for current and aspiring female leaders, they turned to 25 influential women in business including Lisa Woll, CEO of US SIF.
In their recently released book  Uplifting Leaders* (*Who Happen to be Women) , Brown and Flynn give readers insights and advice from top women leaders who, throughout their careers, work to empower others as they seek to progress in their lives and careers.
While women in the workforce have evolved and gained ground over the years, national statistics indicate that there still exists a large gender-based gap at the top. So, the authors set out to cultivate advice from those women who've earned those coveted spots in the C-suite.
Lisa Woll has served as CEO of US SIF and the US SIF Foundation since 2006, responsible for strategic planning, developing a robust policy and media presence, expansion and diversification of funding, rolling out a national conference and creating the Center for Sustainable Investment Education, including the course on the Fundamentals of Sustainable and Impact Investment. Prior to US SIF, Lisa was executive director of the International Women's Media Foundation, an organization focused on press freedom and expansion of women's role in the media.
US SIF members Erika Karp, Founder and CEO of Cornerstone Capital and Dr. Jean Rogers, CEO and Founder of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) are also profiled in the book.
“It's an honor to be included in this book alongside such an esteemed group of women talking about their experiences in becoming and remaining leaders.  This is a topic that I find endlessly fascinating to explore” said Lisa Woll. “While there's still an underrepresentation of women on corporate boards and at the highest levels of companies, it's inspiring to see momentum from investors who are trying to address gender inequality by way of shareholder engagement and gender lens investing.” 
The emerging trend of gender lens investing, which US SIF tracked for the first time in its 2016 Trends Report, is investing with an explicit focus on products or companies that actively support women's issues and socioeconomic advancement.
One piece of advice that Lisa Woll gives readers in Uplifting Leaders* (*Who Happen to be Women): “In the middle of a massive to-do list, step back and ask yourself ‘How am I leading?  What can I do better? And where are the opportunities that I'm missing?'”
In the spirit of uplifting others, 100 percent of the net proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to the YWCA Greater Cleveland to support women transitioning out of foster care through the Nurturing Independence and Aspirations (NIA) Program.
About US SIF

US SIF: The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment is the leading voice advancing sustainable, responsible and impact investing across all asset classes. Our mission is to rapidly shift investment practices towards sustainability, focusing on long-term investment and the generation of positive social and environmental impacts. US SIF members include investment management and advisory firms, mutual fund companies, research firms, financial planners and advisors, broker-dealers, community investing organizations, nonprofit associations, and pension funds, foundations and other asset owners. US SIF produces a highly regarded conference each year. A New Climate for Investing in Impact will be held in Chicago from May 11-12. Learn more at  
About Uplifting Leaders* (*Who Happen to be Women)

While women in the workforce have gained ground over the years, there still exists a large gender-based gap at the top. So, what advice can those women who've earned spots in the C-suite give to aspiring and current leaders? In their new book, Uplifting Leaders* (*Who Happen to be Women), business partners Barb Brown and Margie Flynn interviewed 25 of the nation's top women business leaders to gain advice and share insights on how these influential women use their positions to uplift others as they seek progress in their lives and careers. This 100-page business book is now available on For more information, visit

